Getting to Wollongong

Getting to Wollongong from Sydney

Wollongong is located 1hr south of Sydney airport. There are multiple methods to get to the meeting.

1. Train ($20 USD per person) – the most economical and can find the route via google maps.

There is a train station at the international (and domestic) airport. Take the T8 line to Wolli Creek (2 stations) then from Wolli Creek take the South Coast Line to Wollongong.

Alternatively if you arrive early and are in sydney, make your way to Central Station, from here the South Coast Line will take you directly to Wollongong.

2. Cab/Uber (100 – 150 USD for 1 way trip).

Find other people to pool with. The only problem is that it may be difficult to find a driver that will accept your trip. You can try to prebook it through the Uber App or 13cabs (

3. Hire a car (there are many options available at the airport, recommend to pre book)