Call for Abstracts are Closed!

International Surgical Sleep Society 2024 Educational Update

September 26-27, 2024
Miami, Florida

We invite you to submit an Abstract to be considered for presentation at the ISSS 2024 Educational Update in Maimi, FL.

Important Deadlines

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, May 31, at 5:00PM Eastern Time
  • Notification regarding abstract selection will be sent mid-June.

ISSS Submission Types


The meeting curriculum will include oral and poster presentations of sleep-related research. We encourage participants to submit their research abstracts via the meeting website.

Abstracts should be structured with an Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion section and limited to 250 words.

To submit a case, please submit a case summary and any supplemental photos or videos. The case summary should be limited to 250 words and include information about the patient’s history, intervention performed, complication, management, and outcome.